Salt Lake City is the largest metropolitan area in Utah. Its government is responsible for an estimated 200,00 citizens within the city and 1.1 million in the larger Salt Lake County region. The Information Management Systems Office is responsible for the public-facing website with the primary goal of becoming a one-stop-shop for all citizen interaction - from a request to fill a pothole to applying for a license. The current business license count is over 23,000.
Salt Lake City's Business Licensing was on a legacy platform with a limited online presence. Much of the licensing requests were handled by paper that was eventually keyed into the system. The complexity of the fee structures made this manual process extremely difficult. All follow-ups and questions regarding status or next steps were either managed in person, by phone, or by email. This process was not scalable and did not fall in line with the City’s initiative to move to paperless workflows.
Eagle Creek was selected for its Vlocity and Salesforce technological expertise and custom solutions. Our solution leveraged Vlocity Omniscripts for SLC's license application forms. Vlocity Cards were used to enable self-services, designed to keep the citizens informed of their application status and required inspections. In order to keep maintenance costs low, we ensured the city's development staff were trained and knowledgeable on Vlocity and Salesforce. Today, Salt Lake City realizes the cost benefits of Vlocity and this solution while enabling the technology to other parts of the organization.

Salesforce® CRM
Eagle Creek has developed an approach to Salesforce® CRM implementations and upgrades to ensure that not only are they implemented with a proper foundation, but that they are also designed with the future needs of the organization in mind.
This approach allows our customers...